Saturday, August 24, 2019


Recently I mentioned to some Religious Scientists that as a breast cancer survivor, estrogen responsive type, I habitually avoided soy, chlorinated swimming pools, and anything I deemed estrogenic. I’ve done a lot of other things for my health, and I’ve survived 25 years.

 I also referenced a news story about a professional female swimmer who developed breast cancer, even though she felt she was doing everything right. It could be the chlorine in the swimming pool, I said. And another minister said, It’s her “consciousness.”

So that got me thinking. What exactly is consciousness? It’s a key, if not THE key, to our teaching.  There are hundreds of times Ernest Holmes discusses consciousness in his book, The Science of Mind.

In surfing the Internet, I found debates on consciousness.  Can science actually explain it using  psychology, neurology, biology and/or physics? No, it turns out there’s no consensus on what “consciousness” actually is.

Going back to the metaphysical, Holmes says consciousness is mental awareness--the tendencies and patterns of our thoughts, feelings, actions --the totality of our personal mental atmosphere. We develop our own lens on life, but we are, in reality, individualized expressions of  the One Mind, and Universal Consciousness expresses through us at the level of our receptivity to it.

So the limits on our own life experiences come from limiting how much of Universal Mind and Power we allow into our own cauldron of mental activity. How much faith do we have? How much belief? Can I just speak my word and demonstrate what I desire? Do negative thoughts and feelings bring on what I really do not want? These are big questions.
For me, I’m a “treat and use your feet” practitioner. Yes, I use affirmative prayer, known as Spiritual Mind Treatment, block out negative thinking as best I can, and back it up with action toward my goals. My actions then become part of my mental atmosphere.

For health and healing, I'm proactive: Gluten free, dairy free, probiotics, supplements, exercise, turn off WiFi at night to reduce EMFs, experiment with gadgets like red light therapy, PEMF mat, magnets, a magnetic pulser and more.

So I I overdoing it? Does this signify my belief, my faith, is lacking?. Body management is taking up an inordinate amount of my time as I age.  I want to enjoy time left, not deal with physical challenges.

Recently I took a fall at home and injured my foot. It hurt like the Dickens. My whole foot was swollen. I'm living alone, so.what to do? I hobble to the couch, then to the garage where a walker is hanging on a nail, and make it to the kitchen for an ice pack.

I felt too sick to go to my health clinic, so I did the RICE treatment. Then I also used my red light therapy and magnetic pulser gadgets, wore a foot boot and elastic support, and basically lay around, getting fat.

To lift my spirits, I affirmed:“Things are always working out for me,” along with treatments for health and healing.

Eventually I made it to a doctor, who found no fractures on the X-ray. It was a bad sprain. After an inactive three weeks, I’m able to put on my sneakers and walk around. It could have been worse, but wasn’t. I feel light, joyful and incredibly grateful for this healing, resiliency and willingness to use whatever tools, even weird ones, toward health and healing, while being open and receptive to Cosmic Consciousness.

So I don't just treat for healing. I help it along. Treat and use my feet! Being proactive seems to be the lens with which I currently view life. After all, the One Mind, the Universal Consciousness, is putting these tools in my path, so I figure it’s all God.

And so it is.

See service on 9/25/19:

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