Sunday, February 14, 2010

Attracting a Loving Relationship

Happy Valentine's Day!  Thoughts of love and romance are in the air.  Candy, flowers and gifts are sent and received in the name of St Valentine.

Exactly who WAS this mysterious St. Valentine?  Legend says that he was a priest in the time of Emperor Claudius II in third century Rome.  Claudius decided that single, rather than married, men were better suited for battle.  So he outlawed marriage for young men...his potential pool of soldiers.  Valentine rebelled against this decree, and performed marriages for young lovers in secret.  But once discovered, he was imprisoned and sentenced to death.

While in prison, the legend goes, he fell in love with the jailer's daughter and sent her a farewell letter before he was beheaded...he signed it "from your Valentine."  Thus...the first Valentine.

And his day...Valentine's, of course, associated with passionate love and finding one's right and perfect mate.

I wondered what Ernest Holmes had to say about love.  In the Science of Mind text, I found this quotation from the Gospel of John:

"Love is an essence, an atmosphere, which defies analysis, as does Life Itself.  It is that which IS and cannot be explained...The essence of love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul and proclaims the spirit.  Only love knows love, and love knows only love."

Isn't that great!  But what if someone says, "I just want a girl friend, or a boy friend." Does this apply?

Yes, says Ernest Holmes.  Use the Law of Attraction.  Let's attract the kind of relationship we desire.  Imagine the ideal relationship...but  not a specific individual.  Don't outline; let the Universe do that work.

For an enduring, true, really worthwhile relationship, he says, cultivate an attitude of love.  We attract to us what we first become.  Send out love vibrations; then we'll receive love in return.  In order to be loved, be loving.  And as John said:  Love knows love.

Frederick Bailles, in Basic Principles of Science of Mind, writes there are literally ten thousand individuals with whom we could be happy.  But those ten thousand would have the same hidden something that is the basis of true, mutual appeal.

Infinite Mind knows where each person is, and the hidden currents of Its activity are in motion to bring us together with our right and perfect love.

So how would we put this into a Spiritual Mind Treatment?  Here's what I came up with:

There is one Creative Intelligence everywhere present.  It is the Creator that creates all.  It creates me, flows through me, supports me and expresses as me.  I am Creative Intelligence in action.

I have within me all the confidence, charisma, compassion and understanding to draw to myself a deep, satisfying and loving relationship with a loving, committed mate.  I radiate the qualities I want in another person.  I know that somewhere there is someone who needs and wants a loving relationship with me.  I connect with a committed relationship that is mutually beneficial, mutually fulfilling and mutually loving.  We are intuitively in harmony; we love and enjoy each other just as we are.  Infinite Mind moves beneath the surface to bring us together.

I gratefully receive and give thanks for this right and perfect relationship, and more.  I release my word into the Universe...knowing it is already so.  And so it is.

I like this treatment because it is so positive, and stresses the mutual nature of the relationship.  It's not getting something, but giving and receiving.

Does it work?  About two years ago I worked with a young man (who gave me permission to talk about this) who indicated that he was ready for love and marriage, but feeling discouraged and lonely.  I decided to treat every night that he would attract a loving relationship.  One treatment can be enought, but Ernest Holmes also says to keep treating until we demonstrate that which we desire.

Before long I received an email, "I've hit it off with someone.  We have a lot in common."  And now I have received a "Save the Date" card for a wedding set for August.

Of course, finding the soul-mate is just the beginning.  Relationships change, expand, take new forms, and go through different stages.  They need cultivation.  The web of any relationship is made in day-to-day, side-by-side living.  It is woven in space and time of the substance of life itself.

The best relationship is that of two fully developed individuals, who are able to dance perfectly in tune to the same rhythm.

To quote Aristotle: "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies."  And so it is.

Friday, February 5, 2010


 "We cannot live a choiceless life," Says Ernest Holmes in his text, Science of Mind.  "Every day, every moment, every second, there is choice.  If it were not so, we would not be individuals.  We have the right to choose what we wish to experience.  We have a right to choose what we shall induce in Mind.  We concentrate our attention.  The Law creates the form."

A while ago, I was diagnosed and treated for breast cancer, and I wasn't certain what the outcome was going to be for me.  I decided to take some graduate psychology courses, and I was particularly interested in hypnotherapy and the mind-body connection.

In one class exercise, the instructor guided us with his voice as we went into a relaxed state, descended some stairs and came to a door.  Then we opened the door and had an experience personal to us.

When I opened the door, I saw a lattice, and beyond that a beautiful garden with many large green plants and huge yellow flowers.  A Japanese woman, wearing a coolie type hat, was working in the garden.  I went up to her, and she pointed to a white picket fence at the edge of the garden.  Beyond the fence was a shrouded figure, and behind him wild, turbulent waves pounded the cliff and the sky was dark and stormy.

I knew intuitively the figure was death, and I had to go over there.  As I opened the gate, the figure pointed silently to a path along the cliff.  I knew I had to go...and go alone.

The path was gray and misty, and I walked on.  I felt somewhat calm as I walked, realizing that this task was doable, and I could do it.

Then I heard the voice of my instructor saying, "And now we'll return to the room."  Well, I whipped down the path, past the shrouded figure and the Japanese woman, through the door and up the steps.

Back in the room, we shared our experiences.  the instructor said to me, "You were brave to go over there."  And I said:  "I didn't think I had a choice."

For our homework, we were to do the experience again.  This time we were to create a different ending.

So at home I went into a relaxed state, down the stairs, and into the garden.  I went up to the Japanese woman and said:  "I want to work awhile in the garden."

And she said, pointing to the shrouded figure, "He has patience.  He will wait."

At that moment, the shrouded figure began to dissolve, and behind him the seas calmed down, and the sky turned to pink and sunset at the ocean.

I've been working in the garden...some fifteen years now.  And I really believe that I made a choice that day.  As Ernest Holmes says:  "The Father's House is always open, the latch is ever hanging out, the door always ajar, but man must enter, if he wishes to abide within."

And so it is.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Great Unstructured Emptiness

I've been semi-retired for a number of years, and I know there are ups and downs along with the freedom that comes with retirement.  I know people in their sixties and seventies who are afraid to retire.

Much of the media coverage of retirement focuses on financial are people going to retire  with the financial meltdown of the past few years that has decimated peoples' 401(k)s and other investments?

For some people, money is NOT the concern  They can afford to retire, but wonder: "What will I do on Monday morning?"  They are facing what my son has called "the great unstructured emptiness."

My thirtysomething son is far from retirement, but has worked in a nunber of settings as a theoretical mathmatician.  Some of this required solving complex problems in splendid isolation and unstructured time.  To get results, he needed to be energized, motivated and directed.  He has used "rechargers" to keep up his emotional stamina.  These could be as simple as reading the comics or throwing a Frisbee, but the most effective "rechargers" involve interactions with other people.  These could be "kilijoys" -- little bursts of joy, which keep one sane, happy, and on track.

The "great unstructured emptiness" can be compounded by the single state.  With widowhood, I find myself alone in the silence quite a bit.   Easy sharing of those everyday moments of communication about the mundane events of life -- gone, as is my life partner.  There's an empty space now, and I must work to fill it.

How do we carve out a meaningful, fulfilling, rewarding life from the "great unstructured emptiness"?

I know I am the creator of my own experience.  I know there is a power for good in the Universe and I can use it.  I know I can use the Law of Attraction to attract what I think about, and I can support those thoughts and intentions by taking appropriate action.  I can "treat and use my feet."

So I take three simple, yet demanding steps:  1.  Identify what it is I really, truly want.   2.  Identify what's holding me back.   3.  Move forward.

Now, identifying what I truly want and my personal blocks may take time and effort.  I enlist whatever help I need in the process.  Having training and experience as a career and life design coach, I may hire my own coach.  I use Spiritual Mind Treatment, or affirmative prayer, to treat for clarity, focus, confidence, and determination to stay on track.  As I develop my own personal life map, I ask and answer these questions:

What are my cherished values?  My unmet needs?  What do I desire to attain?  Who do I desire to be?  Who and what are my love energy fun and pleasure sources?  Do I have tolerations to zap?  Strengths to tap?  Unused talents to express?  A past to complete?  A legacy to create?

What else do I need to know?  To do?  Who do I need to meet?  Do I want to attract a new loving relationship in my life?  And how?  Is it time to try out something as foreign as online dating?

As I visualize the big picture, I speak my word into the Law of Mind.  I set my intentions to support my truth.  I know the Universe supports my desires, and I move forward with excitement, with exuberance, with clarity focus, joy and challenge the "great unstructured emptiness."

And so it is.

I Enjoy Financial Prosperity

There is one Universal Spirit, one Creative Mind that creates all.  It creates me, supports me and expresses through me, as me.  I am one with Universal Spirit, and I allow It to flow through me with no resistance.  It is the unlimited Source and Supply of all that is.  I open my heart to receive and appreciate Its lavish abundance.

Spirit provides all that I need and more.  I align my thoughts with that perfect, unlimited Power of the One and know that I am the beneficiary of unlimited abundance.  The wealth of Source flows freely through me and supports me with financial prosperity.  My consciousness of wealth expands daily; everything I touch prospers.  I bring love and a positive attitude to everything I do.  I stand in the midst of eternal opportunity, which is forever presenting me with evidence of its full expression.  I radiate health, wealth, love, creative expression, happiness and joy.  My consciousness is wide open to the Resources of the Universe, which flow unimpeded through me.  I am a magnet to my higher good; money flows in my life; I am prosperous.  My money is a source of good for myself and others; my prosperity prospers others as well as myself.

I speak as a person of power and authority.   I know the Universe powers and supports my requests for financial abundance, and I know that Divine Principle manifests all the good that I desire by right and perfect action.  Anything that may be resisting the forward movement or action of good in my life is dissolved.  I accept my good and choose to live an abundant life.

I gratefully receive and give thanks for all this good and more flowing into my experince.  I release my word into the Universe, knowing it is already so.

And so it is.

Monday, February 1, 2010

I Enjoy Restful, Rejuvenating Sleep

There is now and always only One--One Creative Mind, One Divine Intelligence, One Universal Power, One Life. That Life is my life now. That Mind is my mind now. I am an individualized expression of that Divine Intelligence, that Universal Power. I am one with the All in All.

I declare that the Mind that created my body is the Mind that maintains my mind and my body. It knows exactly what to do to keep me in good health and a calm, peaceful state of mind. I release all tension and allow great inner peace to fill my entire being. I release all worry, stress and strain. My mind is quiet, calm and still. I rest in the still silence of Spirit and know that I am divinely guided, directed, protected, supported and inspired in all that I am, all that I do, and all that I experience today and in the days to come. I fall asleep promptly each night and awaken refreshed and rejuvenated each morning. I accept restful sleep; I am at peace.

I gratefully receive and give thanks for my peace of mind, my deep rejuvenating sleep, and more. I release my word into the Universe, knowing it is already so.

And so it is.

I Am Relaxed

There is one Divine Intelligence, One Mind, One Spirit that creates all. It flows through, in and around everything and everyone. It flows through me. It expresses as me. I am tuned into the wisdom, light and love of that Intelligence. I am one with the All in All, a unique expression of Creative Intelligence in action.

And right here and right now, I declare that I am open and receptive to new learning, new inspiration, and new information to brighten my world. I allow myself to experience the power of love, of wisdom, of truth. I am on my spiritual and personal journey. I take this opportunity to learn, and to apply, ways to address my stress and create my best life. I am radiantly healthy in mind, body and spirit. I respond to events in ways that allow me to be more successful in all my pursuits. I am energized and successful. I am positive in my thoughts, words and actions. I am in charge of my life, and I see love, prosperity, health, fulfilling creative expression and more manifesting in my experience. I connect with the Divinity within and manifest my magnificence.

I gratefully receive and give thanks for all this good and more flowing into my life. I release my word into the Unierse, knowing it is already so.

And so it is.