Saturday, May 31, 2014

I Am the Star in My Own Story

There is one Creative Intelligence, one Life Force, and one Essence that is in all and through all and is all.  It is the Creator that creates all. It creates me, flows through me, supports me and expresses as me, is me.  I am Creative Intelligence in action.

And right here and right now, I declare that Creative Intelligence provides all that I need and more. I express unlimited power of the Divine Source and demonstrate my unique gifts and talents. I jump-start my greatness as I take to the stage of life. I trust my own intuition and the guidance of the One. I allow myself to be as creative as Spirit nudges me to be.  I live large.  I easily navigate life’s trials and tribulations and have the energy and escape velocity to move forward in a dynamic and productive way.  I nurture my faith and know it supports and guides me out of my comfort zone into the realm of infinite possibilities.  I expand my dynamic range and live full throttle, in the overflow of health, wealth, creative expression and loving relationships.  I am a star on the stage of life.  I am the star in my own story.

I gratefully receive and give thanks for my ever-expanding personal and spiritual growth and more. With joyous expectation, I release my word into the Law of Mind, knowing it is already so.

And so it is.

I Am a Player on the Stage of Life

As there is One Power, and I am one with that Power, I declare this to be my truth.

I am a player on the stage of life. I play many parts as I enter and exit the different steps of my experience here on this plane of existence. I know that I am human as well as divine, and I balance these two areas of my life. I accept my failures or weaknesses as opportunities to expand, grow and learn as I evolve into my Christ consciousness.

I work to bring my thoughts, feelings and actions into harmony with the Divine Order. I am willing to be worthy to demonstrate the Divine in my life, and know that as I evolve my spiritual nature, I attract all good into my experience.  I dance with the Beloved within. I see the Beloved - the Divine - reflected in the flower, rocks, trees and all things material, as well as in me. With love, I am set free to live fully in this world, to be a player worthy of a Divine Oscar.

With gratitude and love, I release my word into the Law of Mind, knowing that it returns to infuse my life with strength and power.

And so it is.