Saturday, July 21, 2018

Science and Science of Mind

In Religious Science, we study and apply the principles of Science of Mind developed by Ernest Holmes and his book, The Science of Mind. We learn how to do Spiritual Mind Treatment, and how to use our thoughts, words, actions and feelings as powerful tools to manifest what we desire to experience in life. It’s a metaphysical teaching, and the strength of our belief  propels us forward, knowing that as expressions of God in action, with the cosmic power of Creative Mind flowing to us, through us and for us, we are supported in our dreams and goals.

So could there be a scientific explanation for this? Dawson Church, in his book Mind to Matter, explores scientific research and discoveries that support the concept that the energy fields of our brains are literally creating reality. He examines studies in the fields of biology, physics, psychology, epigenetics, electromagnetism, wave phenomena and quantum mechanics that demonstrate how thoughts can be creative.

The idea that our individual local minds are part of the universal nonlocal mind is examined from the scientific viewpoint, supporting what we already know: we are individualized expressions of the One Source, the One Power, and we can use that power to transform our lives.

We may be able to heal ourselves because the body is constantly regenerating, replacing cells and rejuvenating itself at a frantic pace. Every second, 810,000 cells are being blood vessels, digestive tract, heart, brain, eyes and more. And they regenerate in an energy field. The type of energy field bathing our body and in which cells regenerate determines biological outcome.

So what kind of energy fields drive the best outcome? Church  concludes, and various studies support, that when we create mental, emotional and spiritual fields of love and kindness, we provide a healthy energetic ecosystem in which our bodies regenerate.

So we need to lower our stress levels, shift our consciousness to cut our cortisol levels, and direct our mental state in a positive direction to effect healing. For example, the“bliss molecule” anandammide,  generated by meditation, has been shown to inhibit the formation of cancer cells. If we can shift and maintain positive mental states for a few weeks, then trillions of cells can be shaped by them.

In the laboratory, some of the electromagnetic frequencies that stimulate healthy cell growth are the same fields which can be generated by our consciousness on our brains.  Church looks especially at brain waves theta, alpha, gamma and delta. He teaches workshops on EcoMeditation, to train our brains in a particular ratio of brain waves to achieve a peak state.

EcoMeditation is based on best practices from a variety of disciplines, such as Heartmath, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique tapping), and Neurofeedback. (One EcoMeditation source of instruction can be found at:

We’re fortunate here at the Center to have workshops on meditation and Mindfulness. The scientific spin from Church’s book, Mind to Matter, can prod us to add these practices to our daily routine.

And so it is.

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