Here's an interesting story from the Internet: A young woman is cheated on by husband, who tells her, “you’re not pretty enough.” She goes on to write a book and start a movement to upgrade women’s self esteem.
The same day I read about this, I was talking to Rev. Mike about doing online classes with video and I’m saying, “I’m not pretty enough. My voice isn’t good enough.” I’m thinking, I should be a producer, behind the camera; let some young, pretty girl be the voice, the face.
But he says, No. It’s my voice, my wisdom, my life experiences, my zany humor, my authenticity he wants to see in the classes. So I’ll go ahead.
But it's amazing, even at the quarter-century mark, with the supposed accumulated wisdom, with years of Science of Mind under my belt, I’m still thinking this way. Does it never end for women?
My husband didn’t cheat on me. I was young, and apparently “pretty enough” for him and for our 43-year marriage. I’ve had a good life, I’ve birthed and raised great children, I’ve moved forward on my spiritual and personal path. Yet, when an opportunity is presented to move from invisibility to visibility, I go with “I’m not pretty enough.”
It’s not as though someone said that to me. I say it to myself. I look in the mirror and I think, OMG! What happened?
And yes, I could do the Louise Hay thing, look in the mirror and say, “I love you, unconditionally.”
So many tools, techniques, years of wisdom....and still. “I’m not pretty, with the years added on, “I’m not young enough.” Or I’m not blah blah enough.
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Is it the world of conditions, the relative world, the earth plane and its cacophony of messages? Young women seem particularly vulnerable. Television, films, the Internet, magazines, etc. constantly parade images of idealized beauty...and frankly, many of these women look alike. I can’t tell one from another. The movie star, the weather girl, the entertainment TV hostess...honey blond hair trickling over the shoulders, white, white teeth that sparkle, flawless skin, make up just so with lush lashes, a svelte yet sensual figure.
Back in the day...when I was a girl, when I was a young woman...messages were similar, but not so pervasive. In high school, I was too tall, or not short enough. Or too smart, not bimbo enough? I dunno. It goes on and on.
Perhaps men have some of these problems. For them, issues are often about success, money, and power. "I'm not rich enough!"
So Science of Mind should help, right? We know what to do: affirmations, positive self talk, Spiritual Mind Treatment, visioning, clearing our consciousness. Treat and use our feet. Be proactive about getting what we want in life.
Because the truth is this...."God don’t make no junk! God don’t make ugly." We are magnificent, beautiful in mind, body and spirit. We step into our power here on this plane of consciousness.
We come here with our gifts. It’s up to us how we’re going to use those gifts. We can’t be distracted by the fear messages, the seeds of doubt planted by the media to sell products, the efforts by others to tear us down, the efforts by ourselves to tear ourselves down.
Repeat after me. " I am pretty enough. I am strong enough. I am rich, I am successful, I am powerful. I love my life and everything about it. I radiate health, wealth, love and creativity. I am God in action here on this plane of consciousness."
And so it is!
Rev. Elizabeth, this is a great post! I have had similar experiences. I like how you end with an affirmation we all can use!