I was surfing the Internet recently and came upon this article, TEN GREAT WORDS, by Jim Carroll, futurist, trends and innovation expert. He gives talks based on these words to business t groups, and I thought--hmmm! These can apply to individuals--to all of us.
1. OBSERVE: Take off the blinders and think different, like Apple. We can try new things, innovate in our daily lives. Opportunities are all around us. I’m taking a class in Visioning with Rev. Betsy, and we’re not simply using using prayer and visualization to get what WE Want, but going deeper to ask: what is God’s idea of itself AS my life; and how must I grow to embody this vision?
2. THINK: This is a big one for Religious Scientists, because we know thoughts are things, thoughts power emotions, emotions generate actions. We create our own experience with those thoughts, feelings and actions. As Ernest Holmes says, “Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life.
3. CHANGE: Ask: Am I open and receptive to new ides, new ways of doing things? What’s serving me? What isn’t and what can I change? At a recent workshop, I had an visualization experience, where I went into a crystal palace...and found my higher self. I collapsed into her arms, sobbing. Two things were bothering me. First, the loneliness since my husband transitioned four years ago, and second, I was so disappointed in myself--that I hadn’t made more of myself in these four years of being on my own.
Later, at home, watching a movie about loss, I had a good cry. After I was done, I thought: What was THAT about? These are two things I can CHANGE. So I began working on some projects and completed an E-book. Then I called people to arrange social engagements. I observed myself, did some thinking, and made some changes.
4. DARE: Ask: what kind of risk can I take to improve my life? It doesn’t have to be dangerous. It can be simply stepping beyond the comfort zone. Dare to be great; dare to lose weight; dare to run the marathon; dare to walk the Camino. Be imaginative.
5. BANISH: Eliminate words like should, ought, must; phrases like I can’t; that’s stupid. Banish indecision and procrastination, and tap into your own wisdom on what’s right for you. I’m visioning with a partner in the Visioning Class, and one of the messages we get for each other is: Take baby steps and move forward toward our dream.
6. TRY: Yoda said, “There is no Try, there is only Do.” Some say TRY is a failure word. When we say "try," we don’t expect success. We may fail. Does that mean we lose confidence? No! We keep at it. We try again. Eventually we DO.
7. EMPOWER: When I know I am a person of power and authority, I empower myself. When I accept a mandate for change, to do what’s right and perfect for me, I empower myself. When I know I am a co-creator with God, I allow God to work through me, for me, as me. I am open and receptive to the cosmic healing power, the cosmic power of love. I allow it to operate in my life, and I empower myself.
8. QUESTION: Challenge long-held assumptions, eliminate long-held habits. Really look at them, question them. Recently a friend was hospitalized and it looked like he might lose his toes...he has diabetes and likes to drink. Medical intervention was effective and saved his toes. He dodged a bullet, and doctors told him to stop drinking; I told him to stop drinking; he said he would stop drinking.
I don’t know if he stopped, but I realized that I had been drinking a glass or two of wine each evening. I questioned myself--is this really contributing to my overall good health? Is this something I should eliminate?
9. GROW: There are so many ways to grow, personally and spiritually. Classes here at the Center, groups through meetup.com, workshops, extension classes--you name it. I receive DVDs every other month with tips from professional photographers. Netflix has some great documentaries on many subjects. Online learning is expanding, offering many free courses. Ask: Is there something new I can learn?
10. DO. Yoda would be happy here. Be Proactive--take action. Decide what to change, banish negative thinking, dare to step beyond your comfort zone and make a positive change. Be Bold. Think: What did I come here to do? Who did I come here to be? What is my vision for myself? What is God's vision of Itself as me? Figure it out, and then DO IT. Treat and use your feet! Use affirmative prayer and then take action.
Jim Carroll added an 11th word: ENJOY!
And so it is.
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